crafting: More computer “crafting”

Another quick post on a computer-related question… this time it was How do I find out about new content being added to the search engines…

Google Alerts!  (from the Google alerts website) Google Alerts are email updates of the latest relevant Google results (web, news, etc.) based on your choice of query or topic. 

It looks pretty cool… I’m probably going to start doing that for my name, Kim’s name, and the “to be named later” kid’s name.  That way, I can keep track of what others are putting out there and POUNCE on someone when they post something I don’t want out there “in the wild.”

(Not all things belong on the web.  e.g. my photos of me dressing as “Dr. Frankfurter” for The Rocky Horror Picture Show.  Those belong in a vault buried in the Bonneville Salt Flats.)


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