Wigging out: Bacon – the ultimate mancessory

This is a little off-topic, however, I saw this and had to share. (Cooking is crafty, right?)

First off, look at this:
http://bacn.me/jtm8 – (I’m in heaven!)

Then go to:
http://bacn.me – (Which is a URL shortener, kind of like tinyurl. What I used to cloak the url above.)

Then go to:
http://bacolicio.us/ – (It puts a “hover-over” side of bacon on to any website…)

Lastly, bookmark this site:
http://bacontoday.com/ – (“News” site that covers all things bacon. As well as a bacon store, which sells everything from gourmet bacon to bacon lollipops to bacon dental floss. Check out the turboducken article. Hilarious!)

Some other good ones were:
http://blog.bacolicio.us/ – good articles, I liked the one about the bacon recipe book.

I wouldn’t be surprised if these were sponsored by a cardiologist…

I’ve been thinking of a “End of the World as I know it” party. Kind of like a baby shower for guys. Maybe have a registry at one of these places, Home Depot, Fry’s, and Starbucks…

Are there such things as “Guy” baby showers? Anyone have better names out there than EotWaIki?

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2 Responses to Wigging out: Bacon – the ultimate mancessory

  1. dsavage says:

    BTW: found this for a friend of mine, he was looking for a baco-licious Bloody Mary recipe, and I found him some bacon-infused vodka. Oh bacon, is there anything you can’t improve?


  2. dsavage says:

    Nope, still going to name him Blaze David. Though, that might not be a bad nickname… either that or Krampus.

    (For those other than Chris, Krampus was the evil sidekick to Santa in German mythology, (at least I think it was German,) who would scoop up the kids that were on the “Naughty” list and take them away…or eat them. Actually, I don’t remember what he did with them, but I know that it wasn’t nice.) Santa was the carrot to make kids want to be nice, whereas Krampus was the stick.

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